Accidentally changed workout

I’m on a touchscreen and accidently did something that deleted the prescribed workout for this coming Sunday and replaced it with one it says I added (not sure how - I don’t have it in my library). Is there anyway to reset it to what was prescribed? Since it’s several days out, I don’t remember what the scheduled workout was - I do know it was longer with a higher load hat what I accidentally put in its place.

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That’s happened to me when using an iPad before - it is very touchy. You might have only changed something small within the prescribed workout- but as soon as you change something, it says “added by you”. I would look ahead to next Sunday - maybe you have the same workout that was originally prescribed? Then you could save that one in your library and replace it with the one you changed…I don’t believe there is a way to ‘undo’ a change like that…


Can you share a screenshot of the workout ?

Here’s the screening shot.

Looks like you moved the 10 min warm up ahead of main 1 hour 25 min session. I reckon if you move the warm up (WU) back to the start of the session, that will be the original


Great! Thanks for the help.