Activities with an elapsed duration greater than 24 hours


Now that I’m moving through my brevet season I am starting to ride events where the duration is greater than 24 hours; Athletica won’t allow me to add and save my subjective measures if the duration is greater than 24 hours. To get round this for my event just over a week ago, I edited the duration to 24 hours exactly. Does this cause an issue in terms of Athletica updating my future training plan? To be honest; I tend to move around the following week anyway, to move aerobic development forward, and the higher intensity work later in the week. As my ability to do the former returns quicker than ability to execute the latter.

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I should add that I don’t save an activity on the gps every 24 hours, as during the events you are trying to keep mental load, and you amount you need to do, to a minimum.

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