Last week’s workout loaded and added to this week’s

My plan this week (July 29-Aug 4) showing the planned workouts PLUS all the workouts I did last week… Can you fix that somehow? Thanks!

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Thanks @Yumi. That bug has been reported to our dev team.

Also nothing is loaded for the following weeks and I can not go back to see previous weeks either… Something is really off.

Next week’s workouts are loaded but still have last week’s in this week’s calendar so now the “!” Is all over the calendar :sweat_smile:

Just wondering if you have the estimate on when this will be fixed… I can not see any previous weeks and this week’s is still mixed with last week’s… The warning marks are all over and I’m worried that that will screw up the plans for the upcoming workouts. Thanks for your help…

please check now thanks @Yumi ?

Just checked. This week is back to normal but last week’s says “Blank Plan” and all the workouts that I did are “unplanned”. Not a big deal but that’s something that’s been changed. I can also see next week’s no problem now.

Hi Yumi. So sorry but yes - we’re not exactly sure how but on the big new update that just occurred, for an unknown reason yourself and @AMurray had sessions that seemed to have gotten moved somehow to the current week. We moved them all back to last week, but had to give a blank plan on the last week. This is the best we can do at this stage. Any data missing now, will need to be manually re-added/uploaded as required. Please let me know if you need assistance with the re-uploading process.