Strength Training

Strength training. Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week

Hey folks,

New here, but not new to the idea of training by AI. I've been using good ol' chatgbt for my training for the past few months, so when I heard about Athletica on the Whoop podcast, I was all in.

Right now, I'm training for my first 70.3 next year (it's more than 6 months out, so I had to set it in April, but it's really in June) and other offroad bike events this fall.

One thing that I'm not sure what to do about is strength training. I really enjoy GORUCK-type workouts and use the daily workouts they put out on occasion. Ideally, 2-3x per week. Is there a strength option within Athletica? It's important to me for several reasons to lift weights besides run/bike/swim.


@rene @ashleyidesign Hi both. You are right. We opted to leave those out of the low volume programs (to keep the volume low) but we are getting quite a bit of feedback of this desire and need. We are likely to add this option back in the future but

@prof Ahh ok. So in the meantime, I’ll need to bump up to mid-volume to get some on the schedule. I was planning on this anyway, just wanted to start out slow.

Bumping this thread to avoid a new one. I got my first strength session today, and I went through the videos attached in the session description:


The problem is, it took me only 15 minutes to finish the session, but the planned duration was 58 minutes. Did I miss something? Do I have to repeat certain steps?


@anilakarsu If it's the first strength session, then 1 series of each exercise is enough to get the training adaptations. If you add in a mobility warm up and do 1-3 series of each exercise with about 1 minute of rest in between, that workout can take up to an hour.

That said, you completed the workout as described, so perhaps the number series and a warm up can be added for S&C sessions (@prof)

Hi @anilakarsu. I’ve gone on your profile and I’m reading 30 min as prescribed which is the aim for these sessions, but I can see a glitch that might have caused this to read 1 hour. You may want to take some longer pauses between your exercises so that you focus on quality movements. In particular, take some good breaks with your 7-way hip exercises and consider some stretching or mobility work to aid in your recovery. You are also welcome to work on your own specific S&C needs during this time, whatever they might be (i.e., core exercises, upper body work, etc). A quality 30 min of work should be your aim where possible. to, part way through week 2. Last week when I did my first strength training session I couldn't get it to match my recording of the session in Strava and now shows the weight training session on that day as a second unplanned session. In Strava I have this marked as "Weight Training", should I choose a different activity type to ensure this is matched properly or other ideas.

Hi Dan,
Just checking in. Is this still occurring for you?

Hello Ashley,

the mid volume and high volume triathlon plans (all distances) contain two strength and conditioning sessions per week. Not sure why there are no strength and conditioning sessions in the low volumen plan. @paul can you maybe assist here?

Hello, for both myself and my coaching clients, I add a strength training workouts that is full-body. So I add exercises to a workout, then save them so I can add the workout to the client or to other clients. I’d be happy to help you with suggestions and method if you need some guidance! Thanks!

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That’s a brilliant solution @SimpleEnduranceCoach @ashleyidesign

Hey all new user here. I have 2-3 strength sessions a week that are all the same. 7 way hips. I’m on the medium plan as noted above but wanted to know if anyone else has this as well. Thanks everyone.

Hi @TylerC,
Yes - these are more or less the same currently. We are working on revamping the S&C sessions with an S&C guru but this will take a bit of time to completed so stay patient. For now, you are welcome to ad lib on those sessions as those are very general body weight exercises on the primary movers that suit most individuals. These will expand and become more user specific in the future.


@Prof awesome thanks for the help.

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Hello Tyler! I add a full-body strength component to the Athletica workouts. For clients I add a hip hinge like a deadlift, a chest push like pushups, chest pull like a row with bands or dumbbells, shoulder press with dumbbells or a machine, and a shoulder pull with a pullup bar, bands, or machine. Then I also add Hollows for core and elbow plank rotations for core rotation. Let me know if you need any help with this!


@SimpleEnduranceCoach thanks and will add in more. Appreciate your help with all of this.

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Any time. If you need specific exercise help, let me know!


@SimpleEnduranceCoach any chance do you know how to mark a strength session as completed? I do them without a watch and don’t see that option here. Also, I would love any and all suggestions for sessions layout and exercises for strength. It is an area I struggle with.

Hi Tyler,
I go to Edit Data then put in the time I did the workout for, add in the subjective markers and the workout is marked as complete. I can also add strength exercises to the workout for my clients by clicking Edit and adding them in.
Or here’s how I create a separate strength routine: I click the Add Session button (the Plus at the bottom), add the exercises, and save them to library. I then add the workouts from the library. Make sense?
Finally, I create full-body workouts for clients that include a hip hinge (deadlift), chest press (pushups, bench press), chest pull (rows), shoulder press (dumbbell shoulder press), and shoulder pull (pullups or pull downs). I add side lunges and a core exercise (Hollows).
If you want to chat more, go to my website at and set up a Virtual Coffee and we can talk specifics.

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