Strength Training

ahh, the add data option was what I was missing. Thanks. Yes I will reach out for sure! Thank you so much .

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My Strength and Conditioning sessions have a time notation of 55min this week. However I am only completing 5 different exercises per the training plan. I will easily complete the session even with long rest intervals well within 30 min. Should I cycle through the exercises again? Add exercises? Which is what I did last session by incorporating body weight suspension training (ie., TRX). Or just run through the session as prescribed with the AI, likely to note my Compliance is Below.

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Hello, @KinesioMS, and thanks for the question. You did well by adding in the TRX training. Generally, I advise my athletes to use the plyometric and single leg exercises as a mobility warm up, then do a full-body strength training workout for the rest of the session. This includes chest push-pull, shoulder push-pull, and core work in addition to the leg work. I’d also do some hip hinge strength work like a goblet squat.

It’s okay that sometimes your compliance is Below as well. Good work adding the TRX!