Sync with

Syncing Athletica with was discussed briefly in another thread a short time ago. I wanted to re-raise that request for consideration and note that another AI training platform, AI Endurance, is partnering with Intervals to accomplish this – see this thread on the forum for more information. Maybe there are some lessons learned from that process which would make Athletica’s connection to it a bit less onerous.

Any chance you could do this? Lots of benefits to it, IMO. Many thanks for considering it.


I’m already sharing my Athletica calendar to my calendar. The real pain is having to manually create my Athletica workouts from the Athletica calendar posts.

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Thanks @Firestop @BrentK
I also like intervals quite a lot.
I’d just be curious to know what you value the most about the intervals platform, e.g.: usability and interface, additional info in the calendar (e.g. weather, etc), or particular calculations/integrations and features?

Integrations are definitely an interesting topic—they can add great value but also come with the responsibility of ensuring seamless syncing (push/pull) without any risk of data loss or inconsistency. But this particular one is something we always keep in mind. :thinking:


For me, it is one-stop deposit of my various fitness activities ….it seems unlimited in the various activities it will accept, the individual fitness parameters you can set for each, the highly customizable graphic representation of the activity results, the easy-to-use workout designer….well, I could go on. David has created and supports are very smart platform that does all of this very well.

Athletica has developed an AI coaching program that serves the major tri-athlete event categories, and is the first I’ve found to expanded into rowing …which is why I’m here. A month-plus into it, I have already noticed a difference in my adaptation from closely following my training plans. Following the generic training plans were not working for me. For the first time I’m able to truely row 80/20 because the workouts are specifically designed for me…to do it……and, I excited to see the results.

I see a great synergy between the two platforms that do what they are targeted/designed to do very well. There is some overlap in features, but I see it as minor, and necessary.

Just my thoughts……



Concur… is the one place I go to visualize any aspect of my training I wish, as it’s the only platform that has the ability to do so.

Generally speaking, there’s a clear focus on data visualization and flexibility/modularity thereof. I’d argue it’s the most adaptable, information-dense platform I’ve seen in any medium.

Key distinctions:

  1. the clarity and breadth-of-detail in the calendar view
  2. what I would consider unparalleled view of each training session (e.g., 1 page with most all data I want to see, including: mostly successful auto-interval identification; power and HR level + zone over time)
  3. superb fitness/form view over time
  4. sport-specific power detail pages, with self- and peer-relative metrics
  5. minutiae that I may visit only a few times per year (e.g., charts of power, vs cadence, power, vs gradient).

Of course, for most folks I’d imagine its way too much detail. Lots of…“wait…where do I find that bit again?” But it’s my central sport data hub.

That said…I visit the athletica platform and this forum way more often!


Similarly, I used to use TP for that but moved to More for a historical center of truth, as it has all my various activities from the last few years regardless of training platform or tool (ski trackers, golf apps, Garmin, apple, zwift, Athletica, etc.) to have a consistent record.

Plus everything you said which brought me from TP, not much I can add there.

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Totally agree about being the best out there for all those reasons you listed. I do frequently compare multiple sites and my Garmin data is fed to 11 different platforms, but no one comes anywhere close to intervals. Totally crazy that it’s FREE with a good community and constant improvement culture. I ended up subscribing just to applaud and thank the developer.


Written by one dude…pretty freaking amazing.


…and the lead for CS and maintenance….damn amazing :star_struck:!


Same, subscribed for that same reason!

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