2024 race planning

I’ll put in my race planning aswell. Like I said in the bike show topic, mainly focused on XCM events this year, with a big stage race at the end of the year!

  • April 1st - La Hallonienne (75km/1900m elevation XCM), Belgium, B-race
  • May 19th - Ardennes Trophy (95km/2600m elevation XCM), Belgium, B-race
  • June 15th - Bartje200 (200km flat XCM), Netherlands, A-race
  • September 2nd to 7th - Appenninica stage race (400km/14000m elevation in 6 stages), Italy, main goal for the year!

Might do some other C-races aswell. We have a local XCM series in the Belgian Ardennes which Hallonienne and Ardennes Trophy are also part of. I will do the others if I have the time, but will probably do the shorter distance versions.


This looks like it might fit in my agenda (as it is April 1st and not today). Let’s see if I can get permission to do this from my wife :wink:


Yes, you’re right, April 1st :sweat_smile: Edited the original post.

It’s a fun race, most of the climbing is at the start, the last third is a bit quicker which I like. But as shown in the bike thread, last year it was a mudfest! Hoping for some better conditions this year.


Photo from event in 2016. It’s a big climb up onto these cliffs but the views so worth it. Max height of cliffs 700 feet. This will be at 514km this time round.


That is beautiful! The photo is probably even better to you since you had to work so hard to get it!

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Still 1600km to go at that point, but yeah means more when you earn it. You’re also in a different state of consciousness, in your flow.

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@cmaloney @Marjaana @DaveBoyle

Looks like there may be some Team Athletica members in the Calgary area for a couple of events.
It would be great if we could coordinate and meet up for Coffee/Tea if there is room in the schedule.
Always fun to put a RL face to a name :upside_down_face:


Yes!!! I’m in- still to register and get flights but I think it’s happening! And of course, we must meet :muscle:t2::heart:


Yes - that would be great :slight_smile:


Yup, count me in if it works, I don’t see why not.


Hello, is anyone else doing Barry Roubaix in April in Michigan? Would love to meet you!

Hey good luck on your Mallorca challenge! What’s the date?

Stelvio finish, fantastic climb.

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Calling all Athletica athletes!

Surely someone is going IMTX April 27th?

Want to meet up? I would love to see Athletica friends IRL!



My confirmed race 2024 schedule:

May 5 Know Where to Turn 21k Half Marathon: Community run to support Domestic Violence Victim support programs.

June 8 Little Klondike Ultra 50km: Race along a section of the Klondike Gold Rush wagon trail.

June 15 Millarville Run to the Market 21km Half Marathon: Community run to the Farmers Market.

August 24 Moose Mountain Ultra 50km Alberta’s oldest trail race celebrating 30 years.

September 13-15 Golden Ultra Full Pint 3-day Stage Race: Day 1-4.6km (1063m Vertical Challenge), Day 2-59km (2032m gain) Day -24km (750m gain).

November 9 UTMB Puerto Vallarta Haramara 33km (1540m gain) because who doesn’t want to challenge themselves to a race in the Jungle at 30-35c crossing the Jorullo Bridge along the way :sunrise_over_mountains:


Hi everyone. My planned races so far - all in Western Australia:

  • 4th May - 5km parkun (I schedule when I plan to run fast - sub 20 is my goal)
  • 19th May - 12km charity fun run
  • 8th June - Ultra Perth 50km
  • 14th July - Kalgoorlie Pipeline Marathon - 50km - hoping for a PR
  • 2nd Nov - “Feral Pig” 50 miler

Have to wonder if this is the last year for the Moose Ultra for a while. Sounds like the a company is intending to clear cut in the area.

Now that IMTX is out of the way. The rest of my year looks like this.

July 7 - Ironman 70.3 Muskoka
August 3 - Pelotonia 100 Miles
August 18 - Ironman 70.3 Louisville
September 15 - Ironman 70.3 Michigan
October 6 - Wineglass Half Marathon


On @Kathy03csi’s lead, I guess I need to update my plans…

May: still contemplating Calgary Marathon
Will try to get in Axel and myself into a fun tri in TX.
“kids are off for summer - I know better not to try race then” Two years ago I swore I would not schedule late summer race again. But here we go…


I should’ve learned NEVER SAY NEVER. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


@cmaloney @Marjaana you three still interested in getting together? I did commit to a beer post race on the Sunday, and am grabbing my stuff Saturday in Calgary at 4:00 PM, but I could make it to Calgary earlier on the Saturday for a cafe stop. Let me know!

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