Bug with the Training settings

I made a change to my training settings but I can’t save it. Every time I try, I get an error that my training distribution must add up to 100%. This happens even though I haven’t made any changes to those settings. I tried hitting the “reset to default values” button for training distribution, but received the same error.

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Same here, I can´t enter or change anything because of the error regarding advanced settings and I never even opened or changed any settings. And I´m not even in the beta program. Quite annoying.

Thanks @rctaylor157 @danros … confirmed bug and this has been reported

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@danros please note that you are difficult to help. Your username nor email does not show up in the system so we can never know what profile you are referring to.

@rctaylor157 this bug should be fixed. Can you please re-try your training plan generation for us?

Hi, guys! I’m having the same problems. Any news on fixing all these recent bugs?

Hi @pdebien. I’ve made some adjustments in your settings and it looks to be working again. Let me know please.

Hi @Prof! I still can’t adjust my training distribution. There is always an error saying that it should total 100%. My focus is running, but I used to have some recovery ride sessions, that are gone (?) and I was thinking about adding some swimming, but I couldn’t. And I can’t see the workout wizard button.

Still facing the same bugs… any news @Prof ? :disappointed_relieved:

Thanks for the nudge @pdebien … we have a list of users in this boat and I’ve nudged the team to investigate these cases. Thank you for your patience.