Garmin ConnectIQ Workout Reserve data field

Added via (I-)phone and Connect IQ.
Added to cycling screen.
Had authorization dialogue and completed - waited up to 45 minutes. Nothing more. Stayed as -0-.
Uninstalled and tried via running screen - same outcome.

Are you a beta test user?

No - based on email of ‘latest features’ and the video walk through I presumed it was widely available

I think that’s your problem then and possibly something @Prof overlooked. The authorisation is available to all Athletica users, but the Workout Reserve profile download by the data field is restricted to beta users. @Prof has the beta user restriction been removed?

Hi @AMurray and @Phil with apologies that was overlooked by me. I’ve requested that our dev team roll out the feature to all ASAP. Will advise once live.

@AMurray I’ve just now added you to our beta testing group so you should be able to access your power profile shortly for your Garmin app.

@Phil I think I figured out the issue. I was getting power from my wahoo kicker bike trainer WR was not moving from 99.9%

As an experiment, I added power from my Garmin vector pedals, and voila, it worked perfectly

So the question is, why did it not recognize power from wahoo?


Thanks. Really simple to install now. Works well running (post session showed a lower ‘peak’ WR but general shape the same). Indoor cycling no go - same as others with Wahoo but will try outdoors with pedals in coming days.


Known Garmin “feature” and may be deliberate. This is from a completely unrelated data field from 7 months ago. I’ve raised a bug report with Garmin as the bug lies in Garmin not the datafield.

With the Favero Assioma Duo, I’m able to retrieve the Current Power, Current Cadence, Average Power, and Average Cadence without any issues. However, I’ve been unable to retrieve the Current Power data, always null, from the Wahoo device, although I’m able to retrieve other metrics (Speed and Cadence) without problems

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Outdoors on Assioma pedals works great. If we can get the Wahoo piece solved it will be awesome! Thanks again for help to get here.

@Phil hey! Just wanted to report that I got it up and running in my Fenix 6 Pro this afternoon.

Got a 3rd Athletica login prompt when I opened up the “Indoor Bike” session on the watch. I’ve got an Elite smart trainer, but only paired with my Assioma Duo pedals.

WR was at 44% by the end of my hour in Z2 and Athletica calculated 66%. Not sure why there’s a 20% difference there.

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Three authentication prompts on the watch? Not clear what you mean here.

Not on the watch, on my phone. I selected Indoor Bike on my watch and Connect IQ opened up on my phone with the Athletica login prompt. Since early last week I’ve had -0- displayed. I figured it would update eventually and this morning it finally did.

Well yes, clearly on the phone, but the watch generates the requests. It will basically keep prompting if it hasn’t been able to progress beyond the authorisation step. The authorisation expires within 10 mins, so if it hasn’t been able to progress to access, then you will have seen what you saw, till it’s able to progress. Anyway all good, working as expected.

Are you using only your watch with the smart trainer and your watch only controls the smart trainer, it can’t see the power from it?

Made a mistake on that one. I was looking at FTI not mWR. Aaaand I forgot that I started the watch > 10 minutes in to the workout. So there is no comparison.

Nothing to see here folks!

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Good Day all,
I have to chime in. I was super excited today during my short run that as I scrolled to the WR datascreen I didn’t have a “0” BUT had a %. It was like Christmas! I then had all kind of fun “revving the ol’engine” or waiting for the dog to pee on the trail only see how my Reserve would deplete and recover.
I honestly think this may become a problem for me (in my personality :upside_down_face:) as I will have to remind myself to use it only as a tool for performance measurement and not a function similar to athletic “high marking” against myself. Before I had to wait and sync to compare against my RPE and session time; now it is RIGHT there on my wrist in real time. My Tempo runs will never be the same again :smiling_face:

So awesome!

I did have one curiosity:
I have my settings set to HR and not pace in my atheltica profile, but for some reason today’s session was reverted to pace. I checked my profile when I got back to the house and confirmed everything was set to HR. Appreciating that this was my first session with the WR datafield enabled and functioning is there some interplay between the WR datafield and the Atheltica Datafield screen with the device pace and not HR?
I will check it again tomorrow during my two sessions and report back.


None what so ever. The workout reserve datafield cannot and does not change anything in your profile. It has read only access to your Athletica Workout Reserve profiles. It’s also limited to the specific permissions when you install it, it can’t interact with any workouts sent to the watch.

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Thanks @Phil appreciate your clarification. Really appreciate your response and hard work supporting everyone as we test out this gem.


Have you read the blog? It will give you some ideas on how to use it.

I’ve found that if I go below a certain mWR then repeatability gets compromised. Thus I try and gradually decrease it across the set of intervals with the aim of reaching my mWR during the last interval. My feeling is that aiming for a mWR between 10 - 20% is a good target keeping an eye on pace / power so ensure you don’t stray outside the session aims.

Like you, chasing mWR of 0% or better was the temptation when first using it. But over time you’ll get an intuitive feeling for what mWR is suitable for your various sessions. Not every session has to be breakthrough.

I’d disagree that it is purely a tool for performance measurement. When used in real time it allows you to adjust your effort / pace / power to ensure you’re not burning too many matches compromising your session.