New Release: Recovery Profile charts updated with improved HR/HRV analysis

At this point in time this analysis is only available for those using the Garmin Connect system with a device that captures nocturnal (sleeping) HRV.

Blog describing HRV for everyday athletes.
Podcast discussing HRV for everyday athletes.

Here’s an example below and where you’ll find this on Athletica.


Would it be possible to show the recovery profile over time too? I would like to be able to correlate high intensity workouts with time to recovery. I have a pretty good idea that my high intensity run workouts have the biggest hit and sometimes take 3 days to recover from, while the bike takes about a day and the swim session is about half a day. It probably means I need to tone down my run session and up my swim session! If you could put in a marker for each of the swim, bike and run high intensity sessions on the same chart that would be even better and it would help me dial in how hard I should go on each session.