Webapp unable to save changes

Full disclosure, this is a frequent bug, often where a change is prompted or when I go to enter a workout’s feeling and text feedback, only to be told AFTER entering the info and trying to save that an error has occurred. Usually I just have to refresh the page and try again (which yes can get old but I’ve just dealt with it, probably should have reported a bug sooner so apologies for waiting).

Today it’s persistent, however, and I can’t get the page to accept the change.

Steps today, first was prompted for this:

Click to accept one of the changes (power), instead the box disappears and this error is at the bottom of the page:

Tried reloading and refreshing the page which usually works, but today it’s a persistent loop. Prompt to accept changes, click, error. Refresh. Repeat 5x then come here to report. :slight_smile:

Good luck and thanks

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Edit since the red warning disappeared by the time my screen grab took in the original post:

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This may be a tricky one @kimberg … I’ve been playing around on your profile and can’t replicate… :frowning:

Speaking as a software developer: if the issue is not reproducible, try clearing your browser cache and try again. If that fails, try using a different web browser.

For what it’s worth, I’ve seen this issue occasionally as well (though not recently).


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Thanks all; I got it to work in another browser, probably before you poked around @Prof sorry.

This is the one that happens more regularly, at least 2-3x a week, FWIW. The confusing thing is that often I’ll refresh the page, then try to edit something, and get this. Then refresh a second time and it works. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks both and I’ll keep you posted.

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