Weekly HIIT Session

Hey hey new and old Athletica fans!

Want to crush your biking next year? Join us every Wednesday as we tackle weekly indoor bike HIIT sessions. (you may have seen the “riding together on Zwift” thread.

We all know we can push ourselves a lot more when doing hard things together. Come try out a group session, learn exactly how to do 30/30s HIIT sessions lead by yours truly.

We are a core group of friendly athletes who love to get together, share the news, talk about training, and crank out watts together. This is truly the highlight of my weekly training.

Every Wednesday 8:30 AM CT for about 60mins.
You don’t need Zwift connection, as long as you are in the WhatsApp group - I will lead you through the workout.
I am open to book another slot so we can reach folks in different time zones - reach out to me either privately by sending a message here, or reply to this thread with your suggested time & timezone…

Your next steps:

  1. join the WhatsApp group: WhatsApp Group Invite and introduce yourself !
  2. If you are on Zwift - join our club via Companion app
  3. Check for the weekly event in “club events” in your companion app and hit that + sign to join.
  4. Wednesday morning around 8:15am I will share a google meet link in the WhatsApp group. Join the meet ! We’d love to get to know you. If you’d rather just ride and listen to us chat, that’s fine too :smiley:
  5. Give your best effort and give each other virtual high fives! :raised_hand:t2:

PS. I’ll share the workout details each week here and in the app. Some weeks it will be a lot of 30/30s. If you feel like it’s too much, feel free to skip a few and just spin. We definitely don’t want you to overdo it. At some point of the season we will also switch things up to keep HIIT sessions interesting, but 30/30s are our bread&butter.

Sound like something you’d like to try out? Let me know and I’ll help you get started!


Hey Hey Wednesday Warriors!

Want to boost your VO2max? Join us for the Wednesday sessions!
Tomorrow Wednesday October 30th 8:30am CT.
warm up 22mins,
4x6x30/30 (do as many or little as you feel is appropriate for you!) with 3:30min recoveries in between and Cool down to 60mins.

Who wants in?

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Hey hey, new week looming!

Wednesdays are best with some HIIT - that’s my biased opinion :smiley:

This week I have a fun set for you. Only 2x8x30/30 with little surprise at the end.

Who is in? Reply to this thread if you don’t see an invite in your Companion app.



Great session today, and nice surprise with the fun set. Thanks as always.


Awesome! I’m glad you liked it! :smiley: See you next week!

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Hey all,

we are moving our weekly HIIT sessions to Thursday morning 8:30am CT.
If this works better for your schedule, you are invited to join us!

This week we will do:
20min warm up with some activations
3x7x30/30s with 4 min recoveries.
cool down to 60mins.

Want in?



We are moving our weekly HIIT sessions to THURSDAY 8:30am CT.

This week is calling for 3x8x30/30s. Are you IN?