HIIT session with 35 minutes in zone 5/6

Hi my coach have assigned a session with 7x 10 30/30s.

It seems kinda crazy to me to do a session with a total of 35 minutes in zone 5/6 in december

Especially given that my first race is not before start of April…


:star_struck: wow that’s a lot! What have you done previously?

The previous weeks it has been one HIIT session per week:

Week 1:
6x8 30/30s

Week 2:
4x9 30/30s

Week 3:
4x5m z5 for the sake of variation

Tommorrow i am doing 4x7 30/30s

And next week it has assigned the 7x10 30/30s


Tagging @Prof here, as he is the best in biz when it comes to HIIT. I am not sure how the algorithm is working here - I assume rest of the week is taken into consideration when assigning #sets and reps…?

You are already on a high level, but going from 4x7 to 7x10 is quite the jump. I always try to trust my gut feeling - if AI is giving me substantially higher load than previously - I am trying to understand why first, then try to think what would make more sense. Going to 70 reps from 54 your max on week 1 is too much. I would maybe go back to 5 or 6 x 8 next week.

You did 54, 36, 4x5min, and then 28 tomorrow… 70 is too much IMO.

Sounds like you did listen to your gut feeling and posted here for advice!

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Yeah, Even though I am confident that i could complete the session I do not think it is wise. It would probably make me too tired and therefor ruin the rest of the training week.

I most likely will end up doing a bit less and add some more time to one of the endurance session to add up for the missing load/tss.


100% you do not want to tank yourself with that monster session. Trust your gut and report back here if you see a big jump like that again.