1 Month High Volume Middle distance Triathlon

Hi guys I just wanted to express the

My enthusiasm for the improvements had in just 40 days of ATHLETICA.

Premise…for a year I followed HUMANGO (of which I am Brand Amvassador) but

I decided to leave it. I have always trained at very high volumes (15/20 hours).

These are my improvements in cycling and running… swimming I still have little data because I didn’t perform “All’ out” and I come from an injury.


It appears as though you’ve made a lot of improvement!


Sure! I only changed something at the integration level to support the

High number of hours. FTP improved Vo2max from 60 to 64 and heart rate lowered in all ranges :blush::+1:

For the

Ironman preparation I will add the training again in Ipossia…we’ll see how it goes

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Excellent work! That’s a solid VO2max!

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Almost makes you think the HIIT Science principles have merit… impressive gains @Giuseppe85 … keep them going :muscle: and please tell others… :pray:


Sure! I believe that the merit is due to the fact of following a pattern that is repeated in weeks but that increases in volume/intensity giving the body a way to adapt. The scheme also adapted to my daily commitments, perfectly adjusting the subsequent workouts. The impressive thing was to see how HRV and sleep perfectly “copied” the stress of training.

I think it is important, however, to insert an “Aerobic” day even at high volume every 2/3 days with a VO2max session to get rid of the “central” fatigue despite the fact that I can feel ready muscularly