Coach looking for (potential) athletes

Hi all,

I’m Jens Dekker, a former cyclocross rider from the Netherlands. I’m turning my attention more towards coaching these days and Athletica has definitely caught my attention as a coaching tool. I’m using a different platform for all my current athletes but I’m looking to explore exactly how useful Athletica can be, so I’m looking for someone with whom to try it out. I’ve just recently ‘launched’ a website for my coaching company ( for those interested).

I’m most interested in seeing how Athletica could work with a cyclist with serious racing ambition. Doesn’t necessarily need to be at a super high level, just someone who wants to take their training seriously and is geared towards performance in regular events. I have experience in different disciplines - not just cyclocross - and I work mostly but not exclusively with younger talents.

In short: If you’re a serious racing cyclist who’s interested in trying out working with a coach, and is interested in using Athletica to do so, shoot me a message either here or via another channel.


Welcome Jens!

I’m sure you’ll find plenty of interested cyclists :biking_man:


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Hi Marjaana!

Thank you!

I’m hoping I will find people. We’ll see.