Eccentric Training Application for cycling

Just listened to the Eccentric Training Is Not Strength Training episode. Interesting topic. One thing I thought was missing was application to different sports, such as cycling. Doing a quick Google search, it appears that using an eccentric bike has no or perhaps negative effect on cycling performance. Eccentric cycling does not improve cycling performance in amateur cyclists - PMC

Would be interested if there is any evidence eccentric training can be effective for cycling.


Hey @offpiste
Fellow skier? (Based on your username)

Great question. Regular cycling does not have eccentric muscle activity, but I would not ignore using eccentric muscle action completely.
Here’s why:
I can think of several occasions when focusing on eccentric muscle actions could be useful, as you learned from the podcast.

  • injury rehab
  • Improving muscle strength and tendon stiffness (performance)
  • working specifically to improve your bone density, especially important to healthy aging as a cyclist, as cycling itself is not a weight bearing activity.

Thoughts? :thought_balloon:

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