Error msg on Concept 2 rowing activities and no feedback

I’m still playing with Athletica in my trial period, and I’ve noticed that when Concept 2 files are synced, there is no analysis, instead I get a “Unable to display chart, not enough accurate data found.” message. I’ve partially gotten around this by downloading the original .fit file from Athletica, deleting the activity and loading it manually using the same file. I am able to see the session chart, but not the time in zones. I wonder if it is to do with the rest periods programmed into the intervals in ErgData.

I have noticed that I get AI feedback on my cycling activities, but I have not seen any on rowing activities. Is this functionality available for rowing yet?

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Hi @BevOutside ,
Thanks for that. I’ve reported those issues to our developers so hopefully we can sort it soon.
I also believe that they are working on bringing the Coach feedback feature to rowers soon but indeed, not yet functioning. I’ll try to remember to report back here when it is.


Hi @BevOutside ,
We’ve applied a fix to the Concept2 integration. Please check again for us next you can.
Thanks agin,

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Wow, speedy! Thanks, I will.

I’ve looked at all the rowing activities since Oct 14 (1st day with Athletica) and they no longer have the error msg and are now displaying session charts and time in zone. Thanks!


AI feedback should now be available for all rowing activities.