No response from AI

My bike workout uploaded but i did not receive any comments.

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Hi Cathleen, are you new on Athletica? Perhaps it’s still learning your riding. Plus sometimes I’ve noticed that the comments don’t happen right away. That’s why I try to get comments on my athletes’ training files right away because I know they’re looking!

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Hi Cathleen,
I think I found you on the system and I can see the session in question without AI-coach feedback. I have reported to our dev team a possible bug. I’ll get back to you once it is solved.
Thanks for reporting.

Thanks Paul.

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HI There
the above bike upload from 1-20 still has not uploaded. Than today’s swim 1-24 has not uploaded.
I have not had any other issues between 1-20 and now.

Hello all, today has been the longest I have had to wait for uploads from Garmin. I did a swim this morning and a bike ride on Zwift this afternoon. I manually add my Zwift rides by uploading a .fit file, but I am still looking at the spinning wheel. I thought it was because I asked AI a question about RPE!! and made it think of a reply :confused:

Hi @KCamp and @Cathleen,

We have a number of users reporting uploading issues today and we are looking into it now.

@Cathleen when I check on your bike workout for 1-20 it shows a bike workout has been uploaded. Can you please check again for me from your end?

Thank you,

the data is there; but the ai input is not; when i check now i have a circle moving that state still sourcing session feedback.

Got it - yes - I remember this issue now. Its an outlier and we are still looking into that one. Thanks for the reminder!

@Prof - all uploaded now thank you!

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yes! Thanks for reporting that!

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Good morning
Uploads are still not updating

Thanks Cathleen. We are aware of your particular issue and I can see the ticket moving through the sequence with our developers. Apologies for the delay. Just to let you know this one could take until early next week.

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Hi there
My swim and run workout from Friday 2-23 did not have the AI coach response. The data is there tho

Hi @Cathleen. Thank you for reporting in on that. I confirm that bug and our dev team will be looking into it.

Hi again @Cathleen. Our developer looked into this one and it looks like it should be a pretty basic fix. You do not have the Receive AI Coach session feedback box ticked on your Profile Plan Settings. Could you try that and let me know if it solves this issue?

Screen Shot 2024-02-24 at 2.58.32 PM

Thanks Paul
That worked; i havent gone into those settings so curious how it got unchecked. Now i know. Glad it was an easy fix

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Hi. I recently started using atheltica. On my workouts previously that uploaded from strava before I had the system I have AI feedback however the three new workouts I have done that uploaded right after I did them I do not have AI feedback on. I have the box checked in my settings for the feedback. Anything I can do to get the feedback?

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Thank you for reporting @elliekeen001… have logged a dev bug request on this one.

Hi @elliekeen001. Please check through AI coach responses on your profile for us when you can. We’ve attempted to apply a fix.