Thank you to all our beta testers for helping bring these adaptive rowing plans to life. To our knowledge, Athletica is the only platform offering adaptive plans specifically for rowers.
If someone has the Concept2 Logbook syncing to Strava, is it best to just link to Strava rather than linking to both? Is the system able to identify duplicate workouts if they appear in both places? I need the Strava integration as well as I plan to continue running to some extent. Thanks!
Not sure but I believe Athletica will pull straight from Concept just like it does with Garmin, and then fetch from Strava - but not duplicate. For your runs it would fetch from Strava obviously. Let us know how it goes
Hi and thank you for the reply. My account is a bit messed up right now so this may not be reproducible, but here’s what I see after subscribing for the first time in six months.
- Tuesday: pulled from Strava, but only one of the two workouts (didn’t import 18’ warm up)
- Wednesday: pulled from Strava, but didn’t import 4’ warm up)
- Thursday: pulled from Strava but only imported PM workout, didn’t pull AM warmup or workout
As I said, something’s wrong with my account which could be related to having the last week of an old marathon plan scheduled for this week, but this is what I see.
Thank you!
Hi @Fazel ,
Noted but as with all bug reports, can you please provide screenshots for us, both from Strava and Athletica, so we can track down the issues appropriately.
Many thanks,
Yep, will do once I’m off mobile. I should note this was an initial sync, so that might be contributing.
I’m not on a training plan but did a rowing workout yesterday. It pulled correctly from C2. How does it impact heart rate, power etc for cycling or running? Or does it not yet?
Hi @jaredstrauss ,
Great that you’re experimenting with rowing. The C2 is now on my xmas wish list also. Yes - rowing has a global impact on your training load (fitness, fatigue, form) across other sports also as does any other exercise modality that enters as an input into Athletica.
Seems I cannot select from the calendar a race which is over multiple days (this runs Thursday to Sunday) and all non-weekend dates are crossed out.
Separately 2 more questions
1 - anyone know what the training program Open Rate Recovery means? Because open rate (where I come from) is free rate i.e. as high as you can manage. and that doesn’t sound like a recovery stroke rate.
2 - I don’t train on a bike what do I do to remove all cycling options from the rowing training program?
Hi @Rebecca ,
Thanks for the feedback. With respect to the day selection, currently Athletica race dates are exclusive to single race days and weekend races only. Adding weekday races is on our roadmap. With respect to multi-day races, similar to cyclists (who also race over multiple days in stage races), you would simply select the first day of the race in terms of a target fitness optimization date and delete any subsequent sessions thereafter - further races you would just record for the load/stress quantification.
Question 1 - we used Open Rate Recovery to mean Self-Selected stroke rate.
Question 2 - for now - yes - you can just delete the cycling sessions. Alternatively you could leverage the Workout Wizard and soon also User-Time Constraints (telling Athletica not to program any bike sessions).
Ooof! 2k tomorrow and a 6k Friday. Funny how much more difficult these tests are for me mentally than the FTP for the bike!
Prof…I am correct in thinking that I can separate the session into three parts: the warmup, the test, and the cooldown? The system won’t like them separated (from a “completion” standpoint), but the test data will feed into the power profile either way, correct?
Wish I had power oarlocks for the on-water sessions…
I had some difficulty with this just yesterday. My session ended up being 5 separate activities (long story), but only the last one ended up on the calendar. My suspicion is that because they all had the same “Athletica” activity name, they weren’t seen as distinct. I’m going to change the automatic Strava activity name setting so this doesn’t happen again. Anyway, it was a faff to get all of the activities uploaded.
I tried combining all the files into one, but the activity type changed to “cardio” from “row”, and was therefore rejected by Athletica, but that would have been the best solution as far as I’m concerned.
This is an incredibly useful service:
Worth the extra bit of cost for the various times I need it (required to handle RP3 files). Allows you to combine separate files into one, while also enabling various settings one would not otherwise be able to change (e.g., the session type).
Ah, I used fitfiletools, but was unable to find a way to change the activity type. Thx!
@Prof , building off of @Rebecca ’s question, I’m planning my 2025 schedule which will have some weekday races begining in the second week of January. Would you suggest choosing the closest weekend date before the race date as a workaround until the weekday funtionalty is added?
I’m having a similar issue. I prefer to use the ErgData app to setup a piece on the erg, and there isn’t really a way to put in complex, multi-part workouts like those suggested by athletica. I also like to have the ErgData app up to get stats like drive length and ratio. All of that means I don’t really have a good way to look at the athletica workout in the middle of a row.
Garmin pulls each piece in without issue, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to get athetica to accept or recognize multiple segments as all being part of the same athletica session.
You can design every kind of complex structured workout very precisely with Ergdata when you create your own workouts with the “variable intervals” function. I used it this this way for my structured training the last couple of years actually. It only takes a minute to transcribe an Atheltica or any other sctructured workout by either power, pace, HR, cadence or a combination of any of those in Ergdata.
Most recently however for convenience and to reduce my dependence on devices and automation I have moved to doing all workouts from memory. It´s actually quite easy to memorize say 2 sets of 2 times 30s/30s at threshold, or 2 times 12 minutes at UT1. This also helped me get a better feel for my zones and targets.
Ah, I didn’t think that worked, but now I see you just have to save each segment before being able to create the next. Thank you very much.