HR Discrepancy between Garmin Epix Pro Gen2 sensor v Whoop 4.0 sensor

I know this isn’t strictly an Athletica related question however as Athletica now syncs with Garmin for HRV, HR etc I am now seriously contemplating dumping my Whoop as I would rather have my Garmin sync with Athletica to assist in AI developed training. Also as Athletica doesn’t sync with Whoop this has virtually made Whoop redundant for me. Also the variations between HR readings between Whoop and Garmin are considerable. Here’s an example of today which for me was a rest day with minimal increase in HR but Whoop showed a spike in my HR at 8.06am of 149bpm whereas my Garmin showed it as 108bpm at the same time. There was no way I was pushing that high HR at that time so really question the accuracy of the Whoop sensors when it comes to measuring HR. Anyone else suffer the same?

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I have a whoop as well and it’s very fussy about how you wear it, way more so than any other optical wrist device I’ve had.

For example, I’ve been for a run and it’s pretty much mapped the polar chest strap. Then an hour later take the dog for a walk and don’t change anything on how I wear the whoop and get 45 minutes at 185 bpm!

This has happened quite a lot. My sub is up end of December and if they don’t launch a new whoop I’m not renewing and will dust off the Vivosmart.


Thanks for your reply Shaun…I was starting to think no one else on Athletica had a Whoop :yum: My experience has been exactly the same as yours and like you, I will also review my subscription with them come the release of 5.0. However, in fairness to Whoop I recently started wearing it on the Bicep via the Bicep band and EUREKA, no false positive readings when washing the dishes! Seems like the upper bicep is way more stable in getting readings, both when using your hands/arms for domestic / non athletic movement and also for athletism. In fact my readings for athletism are almost a mirror of my Garmin chest strap when worn for bike and run. So definitely seems where you wear it on your body has a big bearing on accuracy but still want to see what the 5.0 is like and hopefully there will be improvements, in particular wearing it on the wrist and not all the time on the bicep.

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