Illness adaptations to plan

I missed several days of training owing to illness. The plan automatically updates and extends the next couple of sessions, which i would expect as A.I. doesn’tknow why I’ve missed sessions. When I tried an aerobic run and stopped after 20mins, I put into the feedback about recovering from illness. I did the same on two others session. I wouldexpect the next few sessions to be shortened based on this feedback, or at least return to their original length. Instead the 1hr 17min SE Bike is staying as a 1hr 44min ride.

Is there a way to get the platform to recognise when you are still recovering and reduce the load/time? My only solution is to hope the workout wizard offers shorter but not more intense, or end the workout early.

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Hey! This is where you need to trust your gut feeling atm I believe. Correct me if I’m wrong @Prof . I usually just ignore whatever AI Coach tells me at this point and opt for easy aerobic sessions - until I am back to normal. Also, don’t try to catch up what passed you by while you were ill or recovering :smiley: easier said than done - I know.

Good luck,

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Hi @ribenagina,
As MJ mentions, you definitely need to be ready to override Athletica if and when you feel ill and/or injured. While closing the loop on user feedback relative to the training load is being worked on, we aren’t yet there. For now, Athletica assumes you are a healthy individual and able to train. You need to apply your own wisdom to know that when you don’t feel well, you should choose an alternative which includes items in the Workout Wizard (including injury tab) and/or delete or move the session. Also when returning back to training after a period of being off, start with easy aerobic training first and build back (i.e., switch to a recovery week from Plan Overview). Hope that is clear. Wishing you a quick return to health.

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