That seems about right since Coros accounts for about 5% of the “running watch” market. I’m more wondering if Polar is missing since they make up about 5-10% of that market. I do agree that the next time market data comes out that those two may flip-flop positions with the popularity of the Coros Pace series competing so well against the Garmin 165/265. Of course, the low votes for both Coros and Polar is probably attributable to this being more of a tri-focused forum over being more run-only focused.
Saw someone mention on another forum to bypass Strava
I saw that on the forum as well, so that may clear up some details on the “coaching” implications, but I was more interested in the impact of the paragraph prohibiting “Training AI Models” with data provided by Strava.
Yup, we are looking at them as a quick solution as well. Still requires integration, but might get us to where we want to be faster. Appreciate the tip @billm !
As you might imagine, these integrators will see their business jump as a result of this.
Not really surprising, since Coros doesn’t play well with the platform. I have a Coros but bought a Garmin mainly because it works better with Athletica (and has better swimrun functionality, marginally).
That’s a good point that may result in data being a bit skewed.