New feature release: "limiting MMP" in Workout Reserve chart

New release note. If you often check the Workout Reserve on your data-analysis tab (session Details & Analysis => Analysis => Session chart), be aware that we included a small but meaningful detail.

Now, if you move your cursor over the graph you will notice the label: “limiting MMP”. What is this? It stands for Limiting Maximal Mean Power, and indicates the time range of your effort that is closest to your best effort.

In the example attached above, you will read:
Workout Reserve: 69.92%
Limiting MMP: 1:00:00 (1 hour)
Which can be translated to: “Enrico had a margin of 69.92% with his best performance in the 1 hour range”.

This example is taken from one of our collaborations (see the blog post). Let’s move the cursor on another point of this race.

In this case it reads:
Workout Reserve: -16.42%
Limiting MMP: 0:00:40 (40 seconds)
Which can be translated to: “Enrico was exceeding his best effort in the 40-second domain by 16.42%”.

Please notice that the smoothing factor might play a role here. So if you decrease the smoothing factor, you will also see faster oscillations in the variables.

We thought it would be interesting to provide you with this information. Now you can check your Workout Reserve along with “limiting MMP”.

If you are using the Workout Reserve Connect IQ app, you might be already familiar with this. Indeed, if you use the display in “advanced” modality, you already see a moving dot, that moves towards “shorter” (S) limiting MMPs (e.g. 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90 seconds …) or “longer” (L) limiting MMPs (30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, …).

We hope you will find this useful! Let us know what you think, and how you’re using the Workout Reserve in your training. :pray:


So Cool @andrea, thank you for the explanation!

When I look at my Hill Interval run today, I can see in the middle interval WR dropping to roughly 38% and Limiting MMP says 2:30 - if I understand correctly, it is saying that I was at 38% or my reserve being 0 at the 2:30 min time domain?
Athletica is looking at all my runs the past 6 weeks and in this time point, 2:30 time domain, I was hitting about 38% of my historical max…right?

Obviously not the best example as I was on a treadmill doing hill intervals, so my speed wasn’t super fast. Given that I was running uphill, I would not expect to hit 0 anyway, so context - once again - matters when looking at data.



Thanks @Marjaana indeed a great example. The interpretation is correct, with a minor comment. When we tried to easily communicate the WR concept, we decided to use a scale from 100% (“fresh”) to 0% (“max”). So, when WR is 38% it means that 38% is the margin with your max. Therefore you were at the 62% of your max effort in the 2’30" domain. Make sense?
I’m going to edit the aforementioned examples so it sounds more clear. Thanks you so much :pray:


@Andrea yes; of course!! That makes sense! I still had plenty to go to reach the max (38%) which makes sense given the uphill efforts. It’s interesting as internally, it was a whole another story! Externally ( pace wise), still a lot to go but internally I was working hard (RPE and HR). Great to keep that in mind, external output vs internal output don’t always match -
Especially when going uphill.


This addition is really fantastic, in fact, it clarifies some inherent questions I had about WR regarding “Long and Short” duration measurement. This context really helps me to understand and more importantly, the application to my sessions and WR.
I will certainly be poking around at this for sure. Thanks so much @Andrea