Race Fitness/Fatigue/Form

What is behind the thinking/science of these on the performance charts? They look exactly the same as the normal levels for that day?

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Hey @jockefc23 could you please share a screenshot of what you are looking at? :pray::+1:t2:

Certainly, this graph shows it at the top

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Hey @jockefc23
I am not sure what you mean here. Please clarify, what is the question?

Best, MJ

I’m just interested in why there are two separate data points - one normal Fitness/Fatigue/Form and then a “Race” fitness/fatigue/form - yet both numbers are the same?

The normal fitness/fatigue/form is where you are at at any day during the performance chart (or the “today” one will hightlight where you are at ‘today’). The race one specifies where your fitness/fatigue/form will be on your specified “race” day - what you put in as a race day when you built the plan. When you hightlight over race day - it shows the ‘normal’ and ‘race’ numbers which are the same - because that is where you are at during race day. I agree that maybe both numbers don’t need to be shown when you hover over your race day…