@MarkB suggested this info might be good for everyone. I’m not 100% sure of the reason, but there is a difference in how ErgZone and ErgData treat rest intervals with respect to power. ErgZone does not record power during the rest intervals, while ErgData does.
I had emailed C2 several years ago about this as it ruins power-duration curves; software basically connects (draws a straight line) between the last power reading for work interval A and the first power reading for work interval B. This is very problematic for 30/30’s as it appears the athlete holds (approximately) the work interval power for the entire duration of the set.
C2 has corrected this in ErgData somehow. I’ve emailed ErgZone’s creators and they are going to look into it as well, but for now I wouldn’t use ErgZone for the 30/30 workouts. Screenshots of the difference as interpreted by WKO are attached.
For RP3 folks (Are there are any others? If not, I’ll keep quiet re: the diffs between the two implementations), this seems not to be an issue. Perhaps because ErgZone isn’t sending any instructions to the erg? So the machine is still capturing the data, as may be Erg Zone.
Wondering if you chose not to send the workout to the C2 (which would be annoying, of course, as you’d have to follow the session on the phone/tablet) the data would be captured. Probably not worth the effort to test, I suppose…