Temporarily suspend Training Plan due to Operation

Hi, New Subscriber to Athletica and was wondering how I suspend my training temporarily as I am due to have an operation next week and will be doing no training for possibly 5-7 days. How do I action that in my training platform? TIA

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Hey Adam,

You have two options:

  1. Do nothing - athletica sees you do nothing. I suggest once you are getting back to things, go easy and maybe a little shorter than described. Athletica will try to get you back on track, but depending on your healthy and readiness status I would personally override prescribed sessions and take conservative approach for few days. Your’ll get back on track in. No time, so no sweat.
  2. You can delete these sessions. Same thing happens: athletica sees you missed some sessions and will get you back on track.
    Regardless what you choose to do with the plan, make sure to put your health in the drivers seat and get back to training nice and easy. :heart:

Hope this helps,


Brilliant thanks :+1: Just watched your interview on Youtube of your IM ‘24 result with Paul. Great work! Really interesting how you used WR to pace your bike. You make mention of being a Low Carb Athlete. Can you send me the link to the Youtube on that as I too am a LCHF Athlete. Can you email it to adamreed@bigpond.com please. Thanks Marjaana :pray:


Email sent :grin:
I’ll also attach a few of the episodes we’ve discussed low carb approach in here for others as well.

Please send us questions you may have and we’d be happy to answer in the future episode!
Best, MJ


@Prof & Marjanna
Thank you Paul Laursen and Marjaana Rakai for raising awareness around the benefits of being a LCHF Athlete. I have been a LCHF Triathlete for the past 3-4 months and in the last 4-6 weeks predominantly Carnivore and can train easily in a fasted state, albeit at Z2/Z3 efforts. I find that my energy expenditure on a long ride or run is so much more stable than ever when I was fuelled by Carbs/Sugar. I have moved from a Sugar burner Athlete to a Fat burner predominantly to move the needle further along becoming the most efficient fat adapted Athlete I can be. I also do Crit racing as part of my training and can bike at Threshold HR for about 30-40mins before running out of energy (bonking perhaps) so there seems to be a limit at how effective fat can be as a fuel source, however, maybe that will improve as I become more fat adapted over the next 6-12 months. It’s early days as a LCHF Athlete but I would have to be 100% convinced to go back to use Carbs/Sugar as a primary fuel source for training and racing.


Great news! That is awesome Adam! I am in the same boat with you Adam! I’m moving on to shorter endurance distances (2.5-4 hours in length) and so it will be an interesting experiment to see how my energy levels changes if at all in slightly higher intensities than Ironman.

It is hard to go back to feeling blah after carb-fueled training/racing when I’ve felt energized and elevated both in and especially AFTER training - I can just keep on going all day without energy crashes, laziness, bloat, swelling and just feeling lethargic. No, thanks :smiley:

Keep experimenting and test out having real food to fuel those harder efforts to see how that feels (likely you need to add a bit more energy on board there). Let us know how it goes here.
Welcome to the team Adam!
Best, MJ


Hey Marjaana,
I was reading another thread where you suggested to the Athlete to select the Injury option for training plan. Should I do this as of Tuesday when I have my operation (will be out of training action for at least 1-2 weeks) or should I just delete sessions as the days roll by or do nothing as you said? I’d prefer to delete as leaving them there will play havoc with my OCD :rofl:

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You could use the injury tab in your workout wizard. There will be alternatives be session, like yoga and walking. So if you are still able to walk the days after your surgery and when you get better, you could use those as alternative. Focus on getting better and always put health first.
I know it can be difficult as a OCD driven athlete. :star_struck: use that workout wizard and chose walk when you feel like it.
You could either delete or use the injury tab- either way is good. You know what’s the most important thing :fire: