Wild Atlantic Way Audax, 2,126km success

Quick post to let you know I successfully completed the Wild Atlantic Way Audax in Ireland last Friday. I travelled home over weekend and now recovering. This was my A event this year.

The VO2 max long HIIT sessions certainly helped on some the ramps on the iconic climbs which peak around the 25-32% gradient range. The low cadence strength endurance came into play as well. Not a single foot down or walking moment on any hill during the entire ride. Legs and cardio engine good throughout.

Below pictures of me just as I finished on the Peace Bridge, Derry, Northern Ireland. Plus some pictures along the route. Distance ridden 2,126km from Kinsale to Derry., Ireland.

I am the first cyclist to complete the event on a recumbent.

Now in recovery mode as form hit -221 during event :joy:. Fatigue catching up now I’m home. No injuries or pain. No mechanicals or punctures.

It’s my 58th birthday soon and I’ll be sure to have a second celebration.


Wow that’s amazing! Congrats!

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Phil you are incredible. Congratulations and enjoy your recovery!


MASSIVE congrats @Phil ! Both for the success & epic adventure as well for your birthday!!! You did it!! :tada:


Really great day, Phil! Looks like an amazing journey!

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Oh somewhat more than a single day!