Athletica + Biketerra

(added a new topic, since the other one was getting quite large)

Biketerra is a 3D indoor cycling app, similar to Zwift. It’s web-based, meaning that it runs entirely in your browser.

You can upload and ride any route file, similar to RGT. It supports workouts (Athletica!), and also now includes online group rides / events.

To connect Athletica + Biketerra:

Within your Biketerra settings page, click the “Integrations” tab and then click the “Connect” button underneath the Athletica header:

Then, when starting a ride, click the Load from Athletica button from the Workout menu (this automatically pulls in your next workout):

Once a workout is loaded, the chart looks like this:

And the workout UI within the ride screen:

@Marjaana I realize that you’ve been using Zwift for group rides; just worth mentioning that Biketerra now has group events too :slight_smile:


Hey is this the TrainerRoad guys developing this? Also, is it really free? If so, for how long? Looks really cool and I am pumped for this since RGT bit the dust.

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No relation to TrainerRoad. We’re just a couple guys that enjoy cycling and writing code :slight_smile:

Riding is free, but there is a subscriber tier for extra features (unlimited route uploads, accessing all routes, creating custom group rides, etc).


Cool. Will sign up this weekend :slight_smile: Thanks guys for posting.


I had a good session with it this evening. Few bits of roughness round the edges but I was surprised by how good it was! Really good! So I am now a happy paid up member :slight_smile:


We’ve started weekly (Wednesday) group rides!

This week’s ride was a ton of fun! Next Wednesday will have 2 time slots (to accommodate both US and EU folks).

Feel free to join us: Biketerra Events


@biketerra - I’m enjoying your platform for doing my Athletica workouts. Will the Strava news affect getting the data back in to Athletica?

I’ve connected biketerra to Athletica via the api to get the workouts in, does this also allow the data to flow out or does it go via strava?




Hey Adam,

The recent Strava API changes don’t seem to affect Biketerra, fortunately.

We’re only using their API to upload activities to Stava.

Their API changes mainly apply to apps that extract data from Strava.



FYI - quick update - a lot has changed!

We’ve added tons of UI and multiplayer improvements.

Biketerra now supports both casual and timed events (i.e. races), and workouts have been greatly improved.

If there’s enough interest, we’ll consider supporting group workouts (i.e. the ride leader picks a workout, and everyone in the group automatically follows along).

Screenshots below :slight_smile:


I wanted to ask here first. Can I upload a saved route from Garmin Connect to Biketerra to follow along with my Athletica training? Thanks, -Joe

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You can upload any GPX, TCX, or FIT file… so yes.