Athletica x Velocity Integration

Hey Athletes!

We are beyond excited to announce a new integration that is going to elevate your cycling experience! Athletica has partnered with Velocity, a leading indoor cycling platform to bring you seamless syncing of your Athletica AI driven training with Velocity’s interactive cycling environment. :biking_man:

As someone who believes in training smarter, not harder, this integration is designed to make your journey as an everyday athlete even more enjoyable and effective. And a lot more social :two_hearts:

Here’s what this means to you.

  1. Seamless syncing: your Athletica workouts automatically appear on your Velocity homepage, ready for you to nail.
  2. Smarter training options: Access Live sessions with Athletica coaches, replays and on-demand sessions that align with your fitness goals.
  3. Enhanced, social experience: social connections make training so much more fun, and we are proud to be able to offer social, immersive environment with expert coaching, wherever you are!

Getting started is simple:

  1. Create your free account on Velocity . Please use this link, and follow the prompts to connect your Athletica account.
  2. Connect your trainer/power meter and heart rate monitor
  3. Start riding! Your Athletica plan will sync automatically.

And for those who love live coaching, you can join our weekly HIIT sessions! Missed the live? In the near future, you will have access to those as replays and on-demand sessions - anytime, anywhere!

"This will sound like an oxymoron, but it’s so much easier to push myself so much harder with the group than on my own! I finish every workout both wrung out and buoyed by the group’s energy. "Kimber

Pricing after free trial

  1. $20/month: Full access to automatic syncing, live sessions, replays and on-demand classes.
  2. $7/month: Budget-friendly syncing of Athletica workouts.

We believe this integration is one more way we’re helping you balance fitness with life’s demands, delivering smarter tools to optimize your performance and training consistency. Plus, we are adding that human aspect to AI coaching!

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s elevate your cycling with Athletica x Velocity!

Got questions about how to setup? Velocity’s support tteam is amazing- visit their help center or click on the chat button on their site.

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and seeing you at the next HIIT session on Thursday January 9th 8:30am CT!

Athletica Coach & Everyday Athlete :sweat_smile:


I really enjoy the live sessions on Velocity - really fun to ‘suffer’ with friends! See you Thursday!


tried it out today for the first time this morning with my endurance session. This is a very good addition; every time you start the app, it checks what the scheduled workout for the day is, and off you go. It even gives you the alternative workout.

Very nice.


30/30 hiit session worked well in erg mode this morning. Only problem was my legs by the 3rd of 4 sets the tank was starting to empty so had to dial back the % resistance to finish out the session.

All good.


Come join us Thursday morning 8:30 am CT for LIVE 30/30s session!

Consider not using ERG mode so you can crunch out watts freely without trainer dictating the resistance…

Best, MJ


Unfortunately I’m in GMT timezone and I’ll will be working. If I do have that time slot free any Thursday I’ll jump in.

I’m curious, why not erg more for hiit sessions. The resistance changes quick enough to meet the interval targets .

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ERG sets you at a specific resistance, can you go higher? E.g. if my target for the high intensity :30 is 127% of my critical power, but I feel good and go at 150%, will the ERG let me go above? And it’s a range for the reovery sections, e.g. 40-60% of CP. That flexibility is why I don’t use ERG. :slight_smile:


I hear ya, in erg if I need to increase the wattage beyond the prescribed i just increase the resistance on the app. In fairness it’s usually adjusted the other way :smile:


You ideally want to keep the power target open on the upper end so that you can naturally just let the power be what it wants to be on the day. We all have good, and bad days. We know our targets roughly, but as you get fitter, your output will increase. You don’t want to limit yourself by having ERG control you.
ERG is great in Strength Endurance rides, when you are grinding on low gear and need to focus on low gear work. But other than that I like to ride “Free”



What’s the best way to handle having the completed Velocity workout show up two times in Athletica? I always just delete it manually…

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Do you record with your watch and velocity or are they identical sent from Velocity?
You can toggle off Velocity sending workout file in the Velocity

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just velocity…I think Velocity is sending the file, and Strava is sending the file…

Okay I clicked off the auto upload results, so it should just come from Strava now…will test next time :slight_smile: