The workout wizard is excellent, but sometimes I just want a different workout. I would love to have my workout library populated with the Athletica workouts.
That way I don't have to go and find a session I like, save it to library and then insert it on the day I'd like to do it on. Especially helpful if I wanted to add a S&C workout, or a 5Km TT or even just a SE session rather than creating my own and then customizing it.
Good request with thank @jesse
You wouldn’t want all the workouts in there. Maybe have the ability to favourite to add workouts to your library. But rather than being static, when you bring them up, the AI could automatically adjust their load to match the current days planned load.
@phil Athletica already does this. When I add workouts from my library (either created by myself or saved from the calendar on anther day/week), they are automatically adjusted to be load appropriate.
@jesse think that might be Athletica generated workouts (saved to your library) only but happy to be proven wrong. For beta users you’ll also see the lock symbol. If the lock symbol is locked then that session is locked. If its open, then its game for adj
@prof I did add some 12 hour sessions to my library back in Oct. I didn’t see the AI adjust them. Which makes sense, because if it’s a personally created one, it’s because I want it that duration and mix of intensities etc.
@prof Ahh, I see. As I recall, that’s what it was. Saved Athletica workouts that I was inserting into the week. Haven’t taken the time to create my own detailed workouts, just quick ones with time and objective specified.
Hello, @Prof
Is it possible to make changes in saved workouts directly in my library?
Right now I need to add workout from library to my training plan, make some changes, save updated workout to library and after that delete workout from calendar and delete previous workout from library.
If not, are you planning to add such possibility?
Many thanks!
yes - planning to add this functionality in the future but not yet available I’m afraid
Love this feature, and sorry if this has been mentioned before, but is there any chance we could see a brief description of the workout (maybe when we hover over it?)
I created a few when I first started but just put a brief heading in for them, a lot of them the same heading but with different interval lengths etc
I am not sure if others who are using the workout library have encourtered this, but I have tried to delete a saved workout “SE 200m/20” interval swim" and while the first time it said it was deleted, now I get an error that the “user is not found”. The workout stays in the library and I am still able to add it if I try to. Thanks!
Thanks for flagging that bug @nmc … reported.
We think this is resolved now @nmc … could you please confirm?
The session was successfully deleted! Thank you @Prof !