Backyard Utra 37h Run - PRIO A races?

Hi there,

Ok, I onboarded my first client, showing him the setup etc.

The longest PRIO A race, running is a marathon. He will however do a backyard ultra, aiming to run for 37h+

As there is no other PRIO A race, that is longer then a marathon I suppose this is what I will have to chose. What other parameters should I take into account? Number of max and min hours per week? I imagine that would alter the plan accordingly?

Also, he wants to do a 6-7h run once in a while, perhaps once a month. Should he just take the longest suggested session from Athletica and extend that one?


Hi @the-primal-swede. We also have 50k ultra and ‘Comrades’ which is closer to 90/100k. Choose as appropriate.
Yes - depends on plan but for such a long one suggest the mid or high volume to be appropriate.
Yes again - suggest you supplement the weekly long run towards the higher end you suggest using coaching common sense in line with the individual and their progression.

Ok, thanks Paul.

Follow up question regarding min - max hours / week. What is the difference between choosing hours myself, and use those recommended on say a mid level plan?

Or, can I choose a mid level plan, but still use other hours than those indicated, and how would that affect the program?


Hey Eric. I think the min/max hours feature was not well designed our end and we need to change it in the future. That data more or less goes in to modify the fitness/fatigue/form starting level when you onboard but doesn’t do a good job at prescription ongoing. For that, you really need to be using our user-time-constraints feature that is in beta. If you’re not already a beta tester, do let me know as you can experiment there with specific hours, days and exercise modes in accordance with your schedule. Just DM me for this.