Bug with "move to another week" session menu option?



There seems to be an issue with "move to another week" session menu option. When I select it, the session litterally disappears instead of being moved to another week!

Please confirm and tell me if that is some thing you can fix pretty quickly. Otherwise, while you fix the issue, can you manually add the "Strength & Conditioning + Plyo 1" session to today the 14th?

Thank you!


Hi @patrickd123. Sorry about that issue. I've moved your S&C session to today. In the future, please note that you should be able to save any session to your library and paste it appropriately.



Oh yeah, I had not thought of that workaround. Thanks!


This still seems to be here.
However, I’ve found that it takes 5-10 minutes for it to actually appear on the day that you moved it to which is frustrating but workable if you know this!

So it looks like something is happening in the background that you are not notified of.

It drove me mad for a while until I realised it does pop up eventually!

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