Edit athletica workouts in library

Hi, Is there a way to edit the athletica workout names after they are saved to the library?


I was wondering the same thing. Also being able to edit the workout within the library…


I assign the workout to a day in the week, edit the workout there, and then reassign it to the library as my workaround.

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Do you mean to rename the workout in the calendar?

What I tried was edit the workout name in the calendar to HIIT 3x7x1. Then when I save the workout to the library it just reverts back to the original name of Short HIIT 30"/30" interval ride. And even thou in the calendar the name appears as HIIT 3x7x1 is Short HIIT 30"/30" interval ride in edit mode.

I am not sure you can rename a workout that was previously created by the system originally. See below: Long HIIT Swim is called Threshold.

Below, I created my own, from scratch by selecting the “+”, editing the steps I want, then saving it to the library.

Hi Pablo, I assign the workout to a day in the future. When I click on the title of the workout, I can change the title then resave it to my library. Does that work for you?


That worked for me…is there a way to see the library in a view where you can see the workout description. I can only see what it is once I assign it to a day and can only see it in this view…


Same reason I don’t use it. There isn’t enough description shown to know what you’re looking at. Would be helpful if you could hover over it and have it display more or some other way to see the description.


My biggest pet peeve if I’m 100% honest


added to the library dev ticket @mgiven @Marjaana @cmaloney


@SimpleEnduranceCoach @cmaloney

i took these steps and it didn’t work

In the calendar, I opened a workout and renamed it to HIIT 3 x 7 x 1.
Saved to the library and it’s back to Short HIIT 30"/30" interval ride in the library
Then I add it to a day in the week, and it appears as HIIT 3 x 7 x 1.
Save to the library and it’s back to Short HIIT 30"/30" interval ride

2nd scenario:
Moved a workout from Tuesday to Saturday
In the calendar, I opened a workout and renamed it to HIIT 3 x 7 x 1.
Saved to the library and it’s back to Short HIIT 30"/30" interval ride in the library

This is what worked for me ( I did this yesterday).
Went to library and added a workout to a future date. Clicked ‘edit’. Changed workout title, description. Saved. Chose add to library. It is now in my library with the new name and description. Here is one that I changed yesterday as the names were so similar - so I renamed them. I checked today and they didn’t revert back…

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thanks @cmaloney for the details. It doesn’t work for me; I seem to have a weird profile, and many things don’t work as standard.

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okay - sounds like it might be a bug


I agree with Cindy. @Marjaana, could you take a look?

@Pablo_ie happy to take a look at your profile if you want me to?