Hi, I have a few questions about setting up my plan:
Data Import and Plan Set-Up:
I’ve completed my test week and previously have some auto-imported Strava data, but as I found out, Strava data it’s not reliable (misinterpreted or missing data). Would it be better to delete this data and start fresh or import more relevant historical data from TrainingPeaks?
If starting with a blank plan, how can I bulk delete all pre-test week data?
If importing TrainingPeaks data, how much history should I upload?
Adjusting the Season Plan:
I need to update race dates and finalize my plan. What’s the best way to proceed while keeping my test week data as the starting point?
Training Potential Calculation:
Can you provide more details on how training potential is calculated?
Workout Analysis:
While the structured workouts are great, I’ve noticed completed sessions aren’t analyzed. Comparing planned vs. actual performance for specific workout sections would be helpful. Is this feature on your roadmap?
Session Changes:
Most of my planned workouts (around 90%) have been modified. After resolving my plan set-up, will the sessions remain more consistent moving forward?
Thanks a lot for helping me setting up everything correctly.
Have a nice day.
@Prof will have to chime in here as I am not sure if it is possible to “bulk” delete data. doing it one by one will take a long time …
We typically import 2 years of data from Garmin unit. So if you start “fresh” I would import two years (or more depending how long you’ve been training". I personally imported all my data since 2016 and bid farewell to TP.
The plan adapts to what gets or doesn’t get done. So once your plan set up is complete and you start ticking off workouts as planned, you’ll see less adapted workouts.
As always, reach out to us if anything is unclear. Hope my answers help!
Data import: your off season gets imported and analyzed same way as on season- what gets done or not.
I think @Prof may be able to assist here if you want to delete previous data?
Session changes - you can change this to not modify upcoming sessions in your Settings - Profile - Plan settings
Hi @Marjaana
Thank you for your answer!
I do not mind updating the plans, I would like to keep that available. The only issue is that I was testing Athletica out and now I have setted up the final plan and once I find out how to bulk delete data, I will import correct data history. After that, I would like to reset my final plan.
Right now, all my trainings look like this:
So I would like to reset them as I finalized the training plan. If they change after that according to my fitness data that is okay.
Hope its understandable and let me know if you can help me out.
Thank you.