Max HR modifications

Hello, is it possible to modify maximum HR in athletica?

I find mine’s off a little, and due to that my Z2 is off noticeably.
I can see that, having same zones created based on threshold on my Garmin, but with different HR max running in higher end of Z2, on athletica is somewhere in the end of Zone1 on my watch.
I feel like I have to run on my own or run by HR too slow.
When I run by peace, Z2 peace from athletica is Z2 HR on my watch! It makes it difficult to run in hilly terrain since I can’t rely on HR

Thanks for help!

Hi @ptr7777 … only your ‘critical’ HR at this point. Reference. You can do this on ‘Overview’ tab.

Do you plan of changing that in the future?
I just checked that according to zones HRmax on your link, my Z2 is 141 - 160, while on my plan Z2 is 129-148!

Hi @ptr7777 … i’ve reviewed and that seems to be a bug causing that error. I’ve reported the bug to our developers and we’ll work on a solution.

please check those zones for us when you can @ptr7777 … we’ve applied a fix

well, they look the same as before as far as I can see

@Prof After adding activities and seeing plan reloading zones are still the same