New Chat feedback is great


Hiya, Just a quick note to say that I'm really enjoying the Chat style feedback from the system now. It is helping explain what it is looking at in the longer text, and the short title you see in the calendar is encouraging. Good stuff.

Perhaps, the one thing I can think of adding in the weekly calendar, is a weekly overview of what we are aiming at this week, and how it is progressing or went at the end of the week.



PS. Did a long 160km race in the weekend, after following Athleticas advice for the last couple of months, and it went fantastic!


Hi Andre. Such great feedback and just so happens to be directly on our roadmap. I'm especially stoked to hear about your race success. Nothing brings our team more happiness. Keep going strong.

Just an additional comment from me. This new feature is amazing. What I really like is that the feedback uses some data (e. g. efficiency factor or mWR) in a more explaining context. When there was no chat feedback it was very difficult to understand what these data mean. Very good job, guys!


@rene I agree with you Rene. Having the additional context explained by AthleticaOG (what I’ve named my coach) gives the data more meaning and how it applies to me.

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