What happened to feedback?

The feedback on the new “coach” is really lacking IMO. Unless I am doing something wrong?

I ran a really hard 8.5 miles today, complete more than a mile above the forecasted length for the time of the run and my feedback was “You’ve successfully completed a run session of approximately 80 minutes, executed as planned. Great job on that, and thank you for reporting your subjective markers!”

Not exactly giving me any good feedback or help to put the run in context.

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have you tried playing around with the AI coach settings at all to get different types of feedback?

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My coach settings are limited to:

Girl face
Guy face

I don’t have those choices shown on your screen.

Didn’t notice the update, but I also have these options.

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Which options do you have, the detailed ones or just the choice of guy/girl?

Perhaps you have to be on ‘beta’ to have these options…are you on beta? If you are interested you can ask on the beta thread

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I’m definitely not a beta. :joy::laughing::grin:

But seriously, I’ll try to find the thread and ask. Thanks


How in the world is this feedback?

“ What do you have today? You’ve already completed an 80-minute run session as planned. Great job on executing that, and thank you for reporting your subjective markers.”

It tells me absolutely zero about my run and how I did. I put it on “detailed” and tried the other two as well.

What is going on with the new “coach.” 80% of why I have a coach is for the feedback and perspective on my runs. Very frustrating.

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Did you click through on that run session and look for coaching feedback in the chat section? You likely also have feedback on the overview tab for daily update, feedback under all your pace profiles, and feedback on your recovery profile as well.


Thank you! I wasn’t aware that the feedback is context sensitive!


I don’t have anything on Overview. And ever since they changed the coach, I have nothing in the individual runs anymore. No feedback of any type in there.

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Sorry to hear you’re feeling its lacking. You don’t have any feedback after your runs like this?

If your AI Coach settings are turned on, you should be receiving feedback - if you are not, there may be a bug. Please let me know.

I saw your comment about the feedback not being useful. Could you please clarify for me, what kind of feedback would be useful and meaningful to you?
Best, MJ

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That’s correct, I am not receiving any feedback like you posted in your image. All of that went away when the new update with the new coach in the corner of the screen appeared.

The only thing I have that would even somewhat qualify as coaching is “you completed your run of X miles, good job” where the coaches face appears. There used to be context given about insights from the actual run itself and how hard I was pushing or other thoughts as your post shows. However, all of that is gone, and I haven’t seen any of that for weeks. There is actually no feedback whatsoever inside of the individual workouts. It used to be at the top as my screenshot shows but all of that is gone. My guess was that it was going to move over to the new coaches location, but there is nothing in there that relates to the individual run. Just one line about how I’ve completed the run and good job.

The screenshot I uploaded is from a completed run. There is no coaching or anything given about that workout.

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There is something wrong then. Tagging @Prof here - do you think there is a bug?

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Looks like this for me with the floating AI coach:

I had to learn you could click the coach in any context to deliver insights.


That solves it for me. If I click the coach while inside of a workout, it has specific run feedback. Thanks!


@jbeech01 @Harlerunner we took your feedback and made some subtle changes to show more the presence of the AI-coach and that its clickable on nearly every page to offer insight.


We’ve also changed to make the AI feedback show as default on all the profile charts.


I did notice that today and think it’s a good solution.


I don’t have that “chat” tab. Only the data and analysis tabs
Is this something I need to ‘switch on’?