No recommended adaptations from today’s spin

Hi folks,

Had a good performance on a hilly ride today.

Garmin and identified a jump in ftp.

Training peaks reported top 2024
5 sec hr
1 min hr
5 min max watts
10 min max watts
20 mins max watts
90 mins max watts

Workout reserve was -17 the highest so far.

Usually this would result in a athletica recommendation for a new hr and threshold level.

Any suggestions why not?


Hi @Pablo_ie. We are currently working on the identification of specific max mean power bests like you highlight, but these have not yet been brought forward on the UI. As well, your ride today, while impressive, shows a threshold value that is slightly lower than the value in your settings, so no updates were made accordingly. Let me know if you would like me to expand including screenshots.

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Paul yeah that would be appreciated, but no rush when ever you get a chance.

Here you go @Pablo_ie

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Grand, interesting,