Doubts on my sunday ride

I cange my workout for tomorrow using workout wizard. I chose a long HIIT intervals. It seems stange to me that itcask to do the long intervals at Z6 instead o Z5. Is this correct or as i suppose i should go with Z5?

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Flagging @Andrea on this one :point_up: please could you check ?

Thanks @Prato for flagging. I checked your training plan and indeed it looks like the zone prescribed for this training session is Z5 instead of Z6.

As a rule of thumb, when intervals are shorter than 2’, we usually prescribe Z6.

I’m sorry for this, and I will fix it asap. I hope you’ll get to enjoy your Sunday ride!

Hi @Andrea this morning before the start i change the z6 phase into z5. I don’t think i am able to resist for all that time at z6. Or my zone are not correct or there was something not correct. Stay till 2’ at over 391W it’s quite impossible for me. I can give a try but it’s hard thinking to sustain it for 6x5.

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Thanks @Prato for rising the issue. I saw that you completed your intervals in Z5.

I will go through your profile again with the other devs and see what we can do to improve our ability in detecting your unique MAP with fidelity. Indeed we can see that you can keep 400 W up to 3’. The profile in that time range is quite flat (since you recorded also 413 W for 1’20"), so the algorithm establishes that you might be able to keep that kind of power up to 5’. This is a model that can work just fine most of the times, but as you can see sometimes ends up by overestimating MAP. Again, we are working to improve this at the best of our abilities.

Your patience with the process and your feedback are truly appreciated.

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Thank you @Andrea !! I think i could go in z6 for 2-3 minutes but i don’t know if i can do 6 x 5 surge at z6 for 1 minute. This morning my legs on last repeats was on fire and i did them @ z5


Dear @Prato , I had a closer look to your profile, trying to understand what was going on with the targets.

Arguably, your MAP threshold looks a bit too high, and this is due to the aforementioned problem of the algorithm “thinking” that you can keep your 400 W for 5 minutes. From our point of view, there is a huge drop in your power profile from 2’ to 5’, and that’s the source of this overestimation.

Indeed, your max 5’ effort is coming from a 12’ session, so it was not a “true” 5’ effort. As suggested by the AI-avatar comment, there is some data “inconsistency” between 2-5 minutes, meaning that the drop in your power is likely not realistic.

Now, it is not necessary that additional maximum efforts will help rising the thresholds when they are low: in this case a 5’ all-out session would help you lower your MAP, because the algorithm will pick that up correctly as a max effort.

My impression and hope is that you would nicely end up by having a MAP of 350-360 W, which would translate in a power target for your intervals >360W and much more in line with what you just did on last Sunday. It looks like those intervals were correctly done at your “true” Z6.

Also, your “true” effort at 1’30" would be a nice-to-have. To me, I expect it to be more in the 450-460 W ballpark.

By adding these efforts, I’m more confident that Athletica will be able to pick your thresholds correctly, so your target will be more aligned with your capabilities.

NOW; the big problem is that Athletica does not prescribe all-out efforts to complete your profile (not yet and not outside the test week). I noticed you only did the FTP test, not the profile test. What we are currently thinking together with @Prof is to include these all-out efforts in the Workout Wizard, so you can select those instead of a HIIT session when you profile is not completed.

Does it make sense? Maybe I will be wrong with my expectations, but I’d be very curious to see what would happen if we had a more complete profile for your targets to be estimated.

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Dear @Andrea thank you very much forvthis deep analysis!!! So what do you think is the better? Should i wait some testcsessions on the library to choose on?


Thanks so much @Prato .

I would kindly ask @Marjaana or @Prof to check your plan and see how suitable it is to include a couple of all-out efforts (90 sec and 5 mins) to replace your next HIIT session. :pray:

We won’t be able to implement the automatic generation of tests session for a little while. They are coming though!


Hi @Andrea & @Prato ,
I had a look at your plan and tomorrow is an opportune time to replace your 30/30 HIIT session with an equivalent length session (total duration) except perform 1 x 90s all out effort and 1 x 5 min all out effort. So something like 20 min warm up, 90 s all out, 30 min steady L2, 5 min all out. Cool down to full duration. Up to you of course.

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Ok @Prof i’ll give a try!!!
About planning i need some help but i am going to write new topic :grin:

@Andrea those pics in the picture seem coming from my last test i did with my previous program (humango). They were 2 days test one with 12min all out and one with 90s and 5 minute all out. At the end they calculated my FTP decrese to 267W :man_facepalming:

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I did it and my zones are scaled a bit

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@Andrea @Prof due to rain today I decide to go indoor so i used workout wizard to reduce the time because 4h indoor is not neither for your worse enemy :sweat_smile:.
The plan was 6x6x2’. The intervals are at Z6 that means after the Thursday test between 370W and 414W.
Already at second interval my pain was so high. At third i was quite unable to sustain the 1’ minute at z6. I lowered my rest below z1 to try to resist till the end but i can sustained just another interval. The last 2 i must go at z5 because i can’t sustain that z6 for the 1 minute as prescribed.
So i don’t know where the issue but as i thinked for me sustain so high power for all this time is quite unduable. Maybe my actual recovery between sets is lower than aspect and recovery was never my top characteristic. Let’s see if in the future insist with this training thecsituation will be better butvsome doubts iscstill in my opinion.

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