Opinions on Hill Sprints

My plan soon calls for hill sprints and while I have done hill sprints in the past, I’m kind of curious to hear opinions on what kind of hills I should be looking for.

I live in a fairly flat area, so most “hills” are only a few meters elevation, and mostly around 3-4% grade - which doesn’t seem very hard. We do, however, have a few artificial hills, but they are generally pretty steep and only one of them have a good firm trail leading to the top. This trail is around 20+%, so pretty steep, but absolutely runnable (I’ve used it several times).

Should I focus on the steepest, runnable, hill or should I rather sprint faster on the easy hills?

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Great question. The goal of the hill sprints is to develop some muscular endurance with different muscle fibers. So I’d go with the steep hill trail. Push hard up the hill, and walk down easy to recover.


I noticed that There is a new Hill session (photo)
He has 1’45" rest (I think it’s really too much(
While he has Strides and Accelerations before MIT (I THINK it’s positive)
Is it a new workout or a Bug?