Power in non power activity

I did an MTB ride yesterday. I do not have a powermeter on my bike, but somehow Athletica has power in my analysis. I assume based on that low power it gives me a low score for the load. However it was a muddy ride in the cold (which means my HR does not go up as much) so I do not think this assumption and the load is correct. How can I remove the power from this file or get a more realistic load score. Strava, Intervals.icu, etc give me a way higher score.

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Hey, :wave:t2:
I think it’s Garmin that is estimating it somehow as it has happened to me as well. Not sure how but Garmin seems to have magic powers :joy:

I do not think so. There are no power numbers in my Garmin file.

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could be strava estimating it? I know that my strava mtn bike rides always have power…


That seems like a good explanation. To test I turned off Strava. Did not do MTB yet but now I have another issue. I have to manually add my swift ride to athletica, but after doing that atheltica does not process the file. Do I have 2 questions now.

  1. How can I stop atheletica from taking the Strava power data if there is no data in Garmin (which is the real source for everything except zwift)
  2. Why does athletica nog process manually uploaded fit files (not my first time) and how to force it to do that?

so if you turn off strava, then yes, your Zwift rides won’t upload. But you should be able to do it manually by uploading the .fit file…I do it once and a while and have no issues…what is the issues you are having with uploading the .fit file? I personally would keep it connected to Strava, and not worry about the mtn bikes with estimated power…I do a lot of mtn biking and haven’t adjusted anything (I looked back and my mountain bikes have the estimated power from strava as well)…maybe its a bit off, but I don’t think anything significant…

Problem is I attach the fit file but nothing happens. See screenshot.

if you click into the workout title, does is it populate more details?

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Magically (or someone gave it a push) the 2 trainings have now processed