I have a December marathon scheduled. I might just be a Nervous Rex here, but the paces that are getting prescribed to me for some short distance workouts seem fairly wacky.
Example - I’ve had a HIIT (short) and hills workout prescribed regularly, which involves “sprinting up a hill” repeats followed by 3 min repeats of 2m hard/1m easy. But Athletica is prescribing the exact same pace for both of those! I know I’m not an elite athlete, but I’m not even close to sprinting at 8:37/mile. That’s about 40 seconds above the pace I raced a recent half marathon in (in really hot weather, too, hah).
My pace profile says I may be limited at VO2 max and in the 2-3 minute range. I haven’t manually set my CP or CHR since the change, just accepted whatever Athletica is suggesting. Thoughts? Am I overthinking it?