Support for Nordic Skiing?

Wondering if there are any plans to support Nordic Skiing training? Nordic skiing is my winter sport and I would like to continue using Athletica for ski training.

Last year I used an IOS app called Zihi which bills itself as an “AI-powered adaptive training plan” but it doesn’t appear to be supported any more.


Hey there @Dave11

I am personally so glad you asked about ski plans - and welcome to the forum!

We are big fans of Nordic Skiing here and are working on plans for Nordic Skiing. We already have a set of plans behind the scenes - but have some other items in front the ski plans. Hang in there!

In the meantime, I would recommend using either our duathlon plans or triathlon plans for your summer training. (just make up a fictional race. I am sure you are already using multiple modes of exercise in your training like running, biking, perhaps swimming, and those plans are quite similar to the ski base plans, to be honest.

I’ve coached my skiers using either duathlon, triathlons or even the MTB plans depending on the athlete, and then adjusting them individually. This has worked great. I find us skiers train quite similarly to triathletes during the summer, with multiple modes.

Of course if you are roller skiing or nordic walking, then you’d need to create your own sessions and save those in your library and pull them in to your weekly plan from there.

Happy to help you set your training plan for Nordic Skiing if you’d like.



Great to hear that there are plans for Nordic Skiing. I have been using Athletica for about 3 months and my cycling speed and endurance have improve so I would like to do the same for skiing.