Training plan doesn't care about my race day

I’m new on athletica so sorry if the question have been answered already.
I started a training plan for a Triathlon Sprint the 5th may, but it seems the program doesn’t take that information as important because I have a big training the saturday 4th may, and the week after it continues the training

It might be because the deadline is too short? (starting first session today and 5th may is only in 2 weeks and a half)
How do I know the training plan is good for me then ?

I put the race in priority A in my settings



Hi Ello,
Looking into this. I note that you are missing your race day on the Sunday (Henin Beaumont). Just want to make sure you didn’t delete this from the calendar?
The deadline is very short which is never ideal however it should be able to accommodate. Please let me know the answer to my question and then I’ll look into it further for you.

Hello Paul,
Thanks for your answer, I didnt delete the race I never saw it on my calendar, I just have it in "settings > Training > races
Type Sprint Triathlon
Date 2024-05-05
Priority A

By the way I’m new to triathlon so might be right but is it normal that I have a 2h55min bike session this saturday ? Seems quite a lot for this kind of race, again i’m new to this so it might be optimal to do very long endurance session but for my semi marathon I never runned more than the race itself so i’m surprised

Thanks !

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Still wondering how the app can take consideration of the race on 5th may?
Edit : my bad it appeared now!

And the bike 2h55 is normal for a sprint triathlon training in low volume?


Hi @Ellowinowh ,
Great. Yes - the issue relates to the proximity of the present relative to your task. It isn’t easy to get precision when we don’t have much history about you. Athletica AI always tries to raise your fitness and optimize freshness for your race. Aerobic cycling is one of the most powerful ways we can do that and the injury risk is low. However you have an interesting context in that you don’t appear to have a large base of cycling behind you. So you are right to question the prescription. I am a firm believer that your mind knows more than anyone else does and I would indeed not go so long as prescribed. I can see that you’ve done about 45 min of cycling in the past? So perhaps a good target for you would be a 90 min easy ride? I have changed this for you but please feel free to modify it to your liking.

Hello @Prof !

Thanks for your feedback,
Haha yes I just bought a bike so I don’t have much history, I would say 2h total for the moment…
I guess I’m not a good user to ask a training so short without any history on my performances, I will add another race with more time to prepare for the next one, just wanted to try a Sprint triathlon very fast before going for more!

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Hi Martin,
How’s the transition to Athletica and triathlon training going for you?

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Hello! It’s good I just did my first race but the preparation was way too short to make a conclusion! But loved it (except the swim in 14º Celsius water, I couldn’t breath properly so wasn’t able to use crawl most of the part)

I will add a 70.3 objective in 4 months and follow the coach!