TrainingPeaks Integration

Looking for integration into TrainingPeaks, FORM swim gets the workouts from there, same with Zwift.


You can import any of your bike and run sessions via ZWO file from athletica into your library on zwift. You could also kindly request Form and Zwift to allow direct import from Athletica…:wink:

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I have sent them requests, any timeline for trainingpeaks integration?

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Any news on this idea of integrating training peaks and Or is there a way to export?

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You can export bike workouts from Athletica to TrainingPeaks.
This is done by exporting the ZWO file from Athletica, then in your TrainingPeaks workout library clicking “import workout” and selecting the file. Let me know if that doesn’t make sense and I can take some screenshots of what I mean!
Unfortunately run and swim workouts cannot be done the same way.
I would love TrainingPeaks integration, but it’s more of a luxury item than a need. I use TrainingPeaks Virtual for my bike workouts, but the process above only takes 5 minutes before a workout to sort out, and then it’s waiting for me in TPV.