Weekly Summary of Elevation Gain?


I would like to know if it’s planned to add a weekly overview of completed elevation gain along with the distance? I log my training in a spreadsheet as well but if we could have it in Athletica it would eliminate the need for logging training in 2 locations.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi @NicoleLB85. That’s a great suggestion. I’m cc’ing @Andrea to this as he’s working on a related feature to improve user analysis of training accumulated over time from a historical standpoint. Can I ask what your sport is?


Great thanks! Ultramarathons. Have been getting more into mountain trails this year and preparing for those I am trying to include vert as main parameter for load (instead of “only” mileage and intensity).


@NicoleLB85 thank you so much for bringing this up. I’m also a great fan of trail running and ultras, and my dream would be to include those activities officially in the app :slight_smile: This would require, as you suggest, computing the load by means of the vertical gains and I agree it would be great to see those metrics together with the distance. :pray: