Why am I getting bike workouts when generating a training plan for a marathon?

Greetings Athletica Community,

When generating a training plan for an athlete having an A race of type ‘Marathon Run’, the training plan comes up with bike workouts. From looking at the first few weeks generated, they make sense as they are geared towards active recovery. Nonetheless I’m wondering if this is intended and if I have control in updating this output by, for example, requesting only runs and no bike workout in a one off marathon plan?

I’ve read the ebook / product description but couldnt find info with regards to how the training plans were generated.


Hi @pierre ,
Yes - geared towards active recovery.
At this point in our development modifications you request are only available with the user-time constraints feature which is in beta and only available to subscribers. Beta means 90% ready and not perfect but most are happy with it.
Do let me know if you’d like that for your athlete.

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Thanks @Prof , appreciate the quick response.