I’ve had this a few times now, seems to have been since about the time you switched to the new server / DB.
The load of the workout on a day is showing as much higher than the actual load of the workout, when viewed on the Performance Potential screens. I worry this will have consequences with future workouts being reduced unnecessarily.
You can fix the issue by unpairing the workout for that day, and the load then shows up correctly. The following screenshots show the issue, Sat Nov 23, and Sun Nov 24:
Before, incorrect load (Sat should be 157, Sun 98):
In the past, I’ve been able to repair the workouts again, and the load stays the same, but something funky is happening for these two days, and they will not pair.
I don’t know if this happens other times, I’ve especially noticed it on these longer workouts.
From looking at my Performance Potential charts I think it shows what was and is planned (it’s correct for the future but entirely different for the past where I deviated from the plan). So if an actual workout in the past had a different load than what was planned it still shows the load that was planned, not what you completed. However, I only have a week of data so far, so I can’t be certain about that assumption. Also for days with cross training check if both pages have the same selection of “Combined” or an individual sport.
I’ve always found that future loads on the chart are workout planned ones, and then they change to actual numbers afterwards.
I’m noticing that there are occasionally seems to be some halfway house of getting more than your actual load performed on the charts, and I assume, in the AI model for future workouts.