Time/Distance/Load calculations not including prescribed recovery

I’m not sure if this is strictly a bug, but I’ve noticed it a couple times. I had a HIIT workout prescribed today with 90 second walking recovery periods for each interval. There were 7 intervals, so it comprised a non-trivial amount of time and distance in the workout. It seems that the prescribed distance and time figures don’t include these recoveries, which leads to what seem to be incorrectly calculated metrics.

Is this intended behavior, or am I doing something wrong/misreading the data?


I noticed this again today.

Here is today’s workout as prescribed

And here is the result afterward:

That is a calculated load of 107 against a planned of 71.

Where I think something may be amiss is, the scheduled time of 1:00:20 is short of the actual time as performed by about 14 minutes. Some of that is accounted for in variances in the sprint intervals, but the lion’s share of that is the 1’30" rests, which account for 12 minutes in this workout that seems to have been ignored from an estimated load/time perspective.

Hopefully I’m explaining this clearly. Is this the intended behavior? Should I manually adjust the load factor for this workout?


I’ve noticed the same thing happening to me, there’s something in the way the recovery periods are defined that make them get ignored for the load planner.

As a consequence the compliance is always “above” and the AI is amazed at my performance, despite me just doing the workout exactly as prescribed.


Hey, sorry for late reply. Not sure what is happening here.

Seems both of your completed load is higher than planned. Seems like AI coach is missing some of the load ( it could be because the sprints are defined as length, not duration?) in the planned time duration.

After you’ve done these sessions, does AI coach adjust your next run sessions or give you an overtraining warning?

@Prof just bringing this to your attention to look at please.


Hi there. Indeed, those 1’45" rest (easy walk back) portion is not counted in the load - its considered as passive recovery because you are walking back easy. However I see the point and we’ll see if we can make some changes to this to address. Thanks for flagging.

Yeah, I was getting overtraining notices that had me dialing back the prescribed workouts to stay in line, since I figure the AI thought I did 150% of the workout in question . It just seems like it needs to exclude the passive recovery from both the estimated and actual load figures, where right now it’s just excluding it from the estimated load.

Anyways, thanks for looking into it!