Workout reserve app not available

Hi! Just to know: are you aware that WR app it is not available in italia Conect IQ? Have i some options to download it? Thank you

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No I wasn’t aware, and had not set any restrictions!

Appears Garmin recently introduced EEA restrictions related to GDPR without letting me know.

Bit ironic , as I live in the UK and the equivalent of GDPR still applies here after Brexit.

Anyway, I’ve submitted the relevant Garmin form, and hopefully I can re-enable across the North Sea as soon as possible.

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:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:perfect thank you. Let’s wait!!

I try to find it from Portugal today. It’s also not available.
I used VPN (USA) and it appears in market.
Everything OK


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@Phil and @Prof
I am trying to better understand this new features that seems very cool to me.
Till now i often used stamina field data from garmin devices. It predict how much time your energy tank could supply your effort and it changes by the effort you aplly and in these aspects it seems very similar to workout reserve.
Which are the difference between your data and garmin ones?
Thank you bye!!

Just to infor that i am currently submerged from connect iq requests to access to athletica to keep information for workout reserve app but no button works. Not authorised nor cancel. The app is still blocked for my country :man_shrugging:

App was not availiable for Germany, but managed to update it using a VPN service (connecting to the USA) :wink:


Workout Reserve should now be available again Europe wide. My developer verification with Garmin has been accepted. I really am who I say I am :slight_smile:


Yes i confirmi!!! Everything ok and you are who say you are :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: